Löa Yae Face Tattoos Exclusive for We♥RolePlay starts April 4, 2022
Löa Yae Face Tattoos for Lel EvoX Yae comes in 26 different BOM layers to mix and match and in different colours. Forehead pearls included -non rigged mesh Löa http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beautiful%20River/159/86/3004 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/102396 LANDMARK TO WE LOVE ROLEPLAY: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Riverhunt/126/124/1503 Lel EvoX Gaia Löa Zoe Skin Euphoric Ezo eyes Maitreya Lara Spellbound Warrior VOBE Yanka earrings