Liv Black Melia Exclusive@AfterTaste Event starts November 30, 2024
Liv Black Melia (wearing Caridad tone) comes in eight store tones, seven Velour tones, and our first layerable HD 2K Lip Kit LM TO AfterTaste Event: Dernier Sara Blazer, skirt sold separate !W$G Layla Curly Bun Maitreya Lara Lel EvoX Avalon Liv Black Coffin Nails, Perfume De Flores Dusk Solid S H I M M CCCXIII Kinky Event CCCXIII Eyes Collection ::: Kinky Event ::: Taxi : S H I M M LELUTKA EYE APPLIERS / B O M You can apply the color on the right, left or both Unisex 12 Colours