IT'S EASY TO FALL IN LOVE WITH THIS CUPID HAIR Escalate D Cupid Hair comes with color huds What? Cupid - unrigged Mesh - resize able via menu (click on the hair to bring up the menu) including regular (without materials) L materials (low gloss) H materials /high gloss) a HUD to change color of the scrunchies Left and right separately Fatpack EscalateD LM That Cupid, he's so STUPID! Flying around, shooting arrows everywhere, flipping around making everyone dizzy, trailing little hearts wherever he goes. He's trying to make love matches all across SL! He has no clue what he's doing, going from store to store and shooting random things-he's making a mess of the place, shooting anything he sees. It's time to stop cupid before he gets any more stupid! Find the arrows he's left laying around SL for amazing gifts from our designers. COME AND HUNT FOR THAT STUP...