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Blackstone - Magnolia Set - Fatpack ❤ Magnolia Set! ★ 15 different colors in Fatpack or sold separately. ★ 15 color options in Fatpack or sold separately. ★ 4 metal options. ★ 15 color options for Shorts Tie. ★ For Maitreya Lara - Legacy Body - Kupra - Reborn. ★ Taxi: Mainstore: WoW Skins Iris Maitreya Lara Lel EvoX Avalon
KINKY EVENT (Open 28th August) LM: .:Beyond:. Eloise • Rigged for Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn & Waifu • 100% original mesh. • 20 Textures Solid • 05 Textures Metals Dress and belt are worn separately. Single options includes hud to change straps, belt and metals. fatpack and demo include hud to change all parts of the set. Please try the demo before making your purchase. Doux Naomi Glamistry Hibiscus heels Maitreya Lara