[Aura Design] Kitten Jumpsuit - FATPACK Fitted for Reborn Waifu Legacy Bombshell LaraX MUSK and SOLID option in Jumpsits with HUD FATPACK HUD CONTROLLER JUMPSUIT : 25 Fishnet Textures MASK : 25 Solid Textures ALL STUDS METAL : 4 Metal Textures 10% group discount in SL Store!!! If you have any questions, please send me NC to Siriussx Resident. Please, before buying try the free DEMO. Hope you like it and enjoy! Kind Regards, Siriussx Resident ā¢ Marketplace : https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/239631 ā¢ Aura Design Mainstore : http://maps.secondlife.com/.../Crystal%20Cascade/193/171/23 ā¢ Primfeed : https://www.primfeed.com/siriussxresident S.E. Naive Mesh bun LaraX Lel EvoX Avalon //L// Megan Sunkiss